Privacy Policy
Data management information about the photo and video recordings and the appearance of these recordings made by the event organizer
At this event, as it is stated in section 2:48 (2), Act V of 2013 of the Civil Code, “The consent of the person concerned is not required for the recording and use of the recordings in the case of mass screening and public performance.” By entering this event with the awareness of this information, you consent to the recording and its usage.
Please be informed that photos and video recordings will be taken on behalf of the Hungarian Psychological Association as the event organizer and Data Controller, on which the event visitors might be recognizable. The organizer of the event publishes the video recordings and the photos electronically on its electronic surfaces (facebook, website) and on paper in the course of its marketing activities, but does not use them for direct advertising purposes.
You may request information on the handling of your personal data, as well as to modify or delete your data, except as required by law.
You can appeal to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22 / C.) or to the competent court according to your residency.